Saturday, February 14, 2009

Knitting Cake and the Peanut Recall

My friends Jaime and Stepheny both had birthdays this week, and since both of them are knitters, I did a knitting themed cake. I do not think it is some of my better work, but people seemed to like it.

I made the fondant decorations on Tuesday: knitting needles, a pair of mittens, a pair of socks, a hank of yarn, and a ball of yarn.

I baked the cake after knitting group on Wednesday, let it cool over night, and then iced it with chocolate icing on Thursday morning. By the time I got home from work Thursday, it had crusted up nicely and I made more icing to decorate with. I free-handed Stepheny and Jaime's names, and I really should have used a Number 1 or Number 2 tip instead of the Number 3 I used for the writing. The icing I decorated with was supposed to be purple. I am not quite sure why blue and red made brown, but oh well. Using the icing, I piped a pair of socks, a pair of mittens, a pair of knitting needles, a scarf, and a tangle of yarn.

Now for the other part of the post..

As some of you may know, I am severely allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. The whole salmonella outbreak associated with peanuts is a horrible thing, but something good is coming out of it. More people are reading ingredients, and some are really surprised where they are finding peanuts and other nuts.

When I was surfing on Ravelry this morning, I came across a link to a Peanut Product Widget on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's web site. It is a neat widget, so I decided to add it to the sidebar.


Leslie said...

Cute Cake, love the knitting theme. Maybe I'll have to hint for my birthday next month.

smariek said...

I bet they loved the customized cake.

Zandra said...

Thanks. They did like the cake. I need to get a card table to set up when I do these. Using my living room coffee table just is not every conducive to spending a lot of time on cakes.